Monday, December 18, 2006

Change in launch date

New launch date
We recently found out that our church will be hosting the 2007 AGC Canada West Conference in April. This is exciting news but it was also really unsettling for Paul as he considered that I would be gone and he would be responsible for the administration of the whole shabang. So, I have decided to start the walk on May 1, 2007 instead and there are many extra blessings that goes with that date. The first and most important is that most of the Ontario Parks will be open within the second week of May - that was causing us some concern. Also, the weather may be a little nicer, although that means the bugs will be out in full force but they would have been anyway. And, now when Paul comes in June I will be around the Montreal Harbour hill - the longest grade on the walk. I will also have more nice days at home to build up again in long days of training. I would like to go to Hamilton to do some hill training, but that might have to be done "on the road."

Lower Blood Pressure
So walking does pay off. I was at the Dr's and my blood pressure was a little low! What a nice surprise. I may be able to go off my bp pills, which would save us almost $50 per month. So he set up an appointment for a 24hr bp test to see if I can come off! I'm sure I will be able to for which I am so grateful. We are also going to do a full physical which is what many people have asked me about.

Pain brings growth
That sounds so cliche - but the truth of it is; the dirty hard truth is that without the pressure that pain brings into our lives we can't grow into mature persons. We have been swimming through some sewage in our life in the last two months and although I never would have asked for this tutor - it has been faithful to show us the way to the Father. How many times I have called out on God, or just the name of Jesus for help to take one more breath. And He always came into the room. He surprised me every time with some measure of peace, hope and perseverance.
This training ground is what I am counting on for the walk - when it gets so that I don't want to go on I can look back and know that I have done it before in harder circumstances - WITH GOD'S CARE AND HELP.
Calling on Him is a simple step I've learned about through the hardest days of my life.


Paul said...

Lucy, thanks for walking me with me throught these challenging days. Together, with Christ as our guide, we will fulfill His purposes. I am so grateful for the sacrifices that you have made. You are a wife of noble character, and you are mine!
UMLB, p...................

Mom said...

I am very proud of you both love Mom

Charlotte said...

Hi Denise
It was great to talk to you the other day. Keep up the good work. Keith and I will be at your starting point to give you a great send off. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.