Wednesday, November 29, 2006

what it takes

Do I know what it takes to train my body to the place that I am ready to walk 25kms a day? Do I know what it takes to leave my husband alone for 4 months? Do I understand what it takes to make a sacrifice to help others?
The answer to all these questions is: absolutely not!!
I do know that my greatest asset is my mind. The ability to take control of my thoughts and emotions and focus them into the moment will be what makes or breaks this adventure.
The training of the body seems to be going well and I am excited to report that I have lost 48lbs - which means I have broken the 200 lbs mark which was a mental barrier for me. I have begun to wonder if my training schedule is too rigorous and whether I am overtraining. So, doing more research and looking for training schedules for edurance runners has helped me to slow up a bit.
Do any of us know what it takes to follow our call? I suppose we have to realize that it will take all of everything we possess.

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