Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Failure to Launch

So what does your son do for a living?
I'm afraid I can't tell you . . . yeah, or I'll have to kill you. (ha ha again) No really I can't tell you.
The title of this blog has nothing to do with my son though. I just found this photo on the dnd website and thought it was too cool to keep to myself.
Today, was a failure day. Last night I decided that I would walk 28 kms today. I packed my hydrapack with water, gatorade & snacks, filled up my new ipod (which I got for free by the way!!! something I wanted for the walk but didn't think I'd get), packed losts of wet ones and tp (see previous blog), recharged my gps and set my alarm for 4:30 am.
Yes, I woke up but it was still "dark" out (at least it seemed to be through my only slightly opened eyes) and so I decided I should sleep for a bit longer. Yeah, exactly. When I woke up, I felt stupid and guilty. When Paul suggested we at least do our regular morning 6 km walk it just made me mad. But his gentle persistance got me out on the road.
The reason I wanted to do the walking early in the day was because my reading group was coming to my place at 1pm. So after a rather larger bfast I decided I would do something completely out of my ordinary and make cupcakes. No biggie, just a box of cake and a tub of icing. While making these I licked the spatula instead of scraping it. Then ate the one that I broke taking it out of the pan. Then ate another for lunch, another for supper.
Failure was the flag of the day!
But...I had just surprised my son-in-law a couple of days before by saying, "Failure plus failure plus failure plus failure equals success." And so it came back to my mind quickly. I truly believe that failure is part of the journey. So today is my failure to launch day, but tomorrow...well actually we are going on a 2 day canoe trip to I will actually launch for sure.
I heard somewhere, "Running is 90% in your mind. The other 10% is in your mind." So I guess I win . . . that was a simple step :)

1 comment:

Paul said...

Sharing life with you is one of the greatest blessings I have known. Think of all the failures and victories we have experienced together over the past 30 years of this mutual journey! Come take my hand and walk with me, the best is yet to be. UMLB.