Thursday, August 10, 2006

Getting Closer

As the days and months tick by I am getting nervous about not having all the details of the walk in order. Here is a list (its good to just get it written out) of things I am concerned about,
1. What will the launch celebration look like, where will it be held? >Book the place, set a date.
2. Who will be on the committee for the walk? >Talk to Doug & Jen
3. What will the publicity & materials look like? >talk to Careforce (Lorna Dueck, Crossroads)
4. What will we use for the chase car? >would like a Smart Car
5. Who will be the road manager? > I might know this one
6. Will enough people join the team? > not under my control
7. Will we raise the money we are aiming for? > not under my control
8. Will people trust us with their money? > not under my control
I cant think of anything else right now. But just writing them out took their power to frighten me away. There are some I can effect right now, others that I need to wait on, still others that are not for me to control. Those last ones fall into the "have faith" area of the walk.
Remembering that this wasn't my idea always helps me to relax into God's wisdom. No, I don't have all the answers but I truly believe that God is in control of this walk. So I am exercising faith and thats the first simple step of any journey.

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