Friday, August 18, 2006


I have just returned from having coffee with a dear friend at the Co-Op. It is a cafe area attached to the grocery store that seniors frequent and today it was full. Linda and I had just finished saying how blessed we felt when an old man with three or four days of whiskers stood at the end of our table which was against the wall.
He said hello and I could tell that Linda knew something about this man and that she was uncomfortable with me even talking to him. He joked and I joked back and then he started getting closer and poking my ribs. He then touched my side telling me I was too fat. Trying to keep calm I told him that I wasn't worried about that and that he should keep his hands to himself. This only seemed to be an invitation - he asked if I was married. Aha, I thought this should put him in his place, "Yes, to the Pastor from Park Avenue. Do you know him?" He said that he did know him and that he was a nice man. If I had thought that knowing my husband was a pastor would deter his rudeness I was immediately proved wrong when he asked how many times a week we had sex. I told him it was unappropriate to speak of such things in public. But he went on... I will spare you the rest.
Linda went to ask if a man would come from the bakery to take him away from us, while I called my husband on Linda's cell phone. He left. We left.
It has been a long time since I have been cornered and vulnerable. It will be with different ears that I hear other stories - a more compassionate and understanding heart.
God forgive him, and help me to forgive him too. And help me to forgive all the men who sat listening to this encounter without helping us.
We are going camping on Otter Lake next week . . . there are worse things than bears to fear and they are right here in Melfort.

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