Sunday, August 05, 2007

New friends in Kenora

Kenora librarian and Denise: Upon arriving in Kenora our first stop was to the Public Library where I met (oh dear Im sorry I have forgotten your name!) this lovely librarian. We both thought we knew each other and had no idea from where. So we just settled on being friends as is. Too bad I'm not a very good friend to forget her name! Their library is a beautiful mixture of old architecture and new, a feat that is not easily achieved. I was able to blog and wasn't charged the extra fee. Thank you.

The Plaza Staff and Denise: Then we happened upon this wonderful family owned restaurant. The staff took us in and treated us so well. We were well fed when we left. The Plaza offers aeuthentic mediterranean dishes made by the owners. I enjoyed the Greek combo and a large piece of baklava for dessert. Hmmm.
Sharon and Denise: While we were out smoozing with the meditteranean set someone was waiting at our RV. Sharon Scharfe is articling in Kenora after having passed her bar exams (CONGRATULATIONS!). We had met years ago through her family in the Ottawa valley. It was sooooo much fun to spend the evening together. We all said we hadn't laughed so much in a very long time. All the best to a very dear lady!

Clare and Diane: Sharon treated us to a wonderful meal at Haps in Kenora. The outdoor patio was full and this was our hard working waitress. She had a great attitude under such pressure.
We were so blessed in Kenora and are taking many happy memories with us as we push on to Winnipeg.


Isabel A. said...

Welcome to Manitoba. Your first few days will still be rock and forests but then the farmland will appear. The harvest is beginning in our area. It would be very exciting to see you somewhere along the way, however it is a busy season on the farm. I really appreciate the mapping of your journey. Each day is enriched by something special along the way.

Lori Jackson said...

Hi Denise: It's your new friend, Lori Jackson, from the Kenora Library! After your visit I went home and read all about my new friend or old friend as we felt we had met previously. Your trip and the progress that you've made amazes me and I wish you the best on your journey. It was wonderful to meet you both! Say hi to Diane for me and I wish you the very best. We're here if you ever need!
Your new/old friend...