Sunday, March 12, 2006

Patience, Patience, Patience

We have had record snowfall just in March already. I am completely shut down from walking outside so I have to resort to aerobics, or walking at the sports complex around the top of the seating (which I hate).
But spring is coming and no matter how much snow we get by next month I should be making treks on the back roads again.
Training never goes fast enough, neither do the kms when I am walking, and I find myself repeating one word over and over - patience, patience, patience. Take it easy, you'll get there, keep doing what's right even though you don't see big changes. That's the way growth, long term growth evolves - slowly. Nature teaches me that fast growth equals fast death and long slow growth brings longevity of life. Patience.
The race of life is not a sprint, it is a long, tedious journey that is taken one step at a time. It's not complicated, it's not higher science - I have been meditating on this verse from Gal 5:6 "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
Simple Steps of love: getting up to get your husband a pill in the middle of the night, cleaning the toilet, speaking your appreciation to the person you admired, giving up your sleep for your children, trying to do more for others than you do for yourself, sharing a portion of your blessings with those who are in need.
Simple Steps taken for a long time toward the same direction will take you the right place - before the throne of God.
Simple Steps - patience, patience, patience.

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