Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring, Spring, Spring

Paul and I took a drive out on the grid roads as they call them here - in Ontario we call them concessions - and they are good enough to get out on again. After a few good dumps of snow Paul restricted me from walking out on the grid roads because he felt it was too dangerous. So we walked together at the Northern Lights Sports Palace. Thats quite a big name, but it is an excellent facility for such a small town as Melfort. So we walked there - I hate walking inside but I am finding its all about mind games. At first I didn't want to walk where anyone could see me. I could hear people asking, "who is that?" and "what is she doing out here?" And sure enough people would meet me days later and say - "I saw you on the highway - what were you doing?"
OK, so people are going to talk, that is part of the marketing thing - get them wondering, the salt treatment. So I bought a traffic vest and wore it while I walk, now they are really talking. And I'm good with that.
Besides, I am doing something bigger than myself and people are going to take notice - what should I expect?
But this past past week has been a blow out. I am sick and am trying to recover before pushing again. These days are hard as I wait out the sickness. But the good news is my body is responding to the new lifestyle and I am losing weight and feeling strong in other ways.
It seems like a small step but really its just a simple step ;)

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Grid roads do make more sense though don't you think?? I still don't get the concession thing. Good thing you moved to Sask. life makes better sense! Hey thanks for wanting to come help out this weekend so i can go to the conference, I feel very blessed by your generous gift of service!