At 26 km there was a side road and I thought, "This would be a good place to stop. I've done 26, one less isn't too bad. Nobody would expect you to go further. Besides its dark and dangerous."
Then I saw a road sign further ahead and I told myself, "You are going to walk to that sign and then we will see how much further you have to go. I am not giving in. This is nothing, your body isn't injured, you have support, your lighted and relatively safe. And like Mom said God will shut the "lions" mouths. So just relax and walk."
So I did, and at the sign... I had walked 27 kms. We marked the spot and drove back to where Carmen was working. My bed was calling.
It has been really hot this week. And next week is supposed to be hot again. I am trusting the Lord for His provision.
I have been enjoying Dr. Adrian Rogers podcasts lately. But today I just found out that he has been promoted to glory since 2005! I was surprised and Paul said, "Though he is dead yet he speaks on." or something like that. His sounded smarter than mine... So, yesterday I listened to a sermon called Peace in Your Storm. I learned something very important: the word COMFORT is made up of two ideas means with 2. fort is strength. Why would we think of being calmed and cared for by a word that means with strength? Well, Rodgers was talking about the disciples in the storm. He points out that the very waves which they thought would go over their heads were under Jesus's feet as he walked out to them. The situation was infused with a new strength. Which element in the story was stronger now? John 16:33These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
If you need comfort, if your heart is in a storm that threatens to go over you remember that Jesus comes to you, walking on the storm for He has overcome. Invite him into your boat "and the things of earth will grow strangely dim."
Psalm 37: 23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
24Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.
Take heart my friend, we can go together through the storms of life. Looking towards our Saviour who has overcome this world.
Just as a bonus I wrote out the rest of Dr. Rogers sermon. It may be of some help to you as it was to me.
PEACE in the Midst of Your Storm
Providence: His purpose brought me here.
Jesus sent his disciples into the storm. The storm didn't surprise Jesus. Some life storms are perfecting storms and some are correcting storms but in either case His faithfulness remains.
Entreaty: His prayers protect me here.
He was on the mountain looking at the disciples and prayed for them. First notice he was "looking" at them, he isn't too busy to notice you are sinking in your storm. He isn't wasting time, he is praying for you. Do you think he is praying for your ease? I don't think so, I believe he is praying that you will SEE the glory of God in your storm. That you will take the opportunity to grow in faith. I think he was praying that Satan who lies to you about the faithfulness of God would be held back so that you will have a chance to believe the truth.
Assurance: His presence comes to me here.
He is not far off, but walking right there beside you. If he is here, what can you be afraid of?
This is the one who has given all, suffered all, purchased all for you. Do you suggest by your fear that he witholds all that from you now? No, he is near by. Call on his name.
Comfort: His power sustains me here.
This word comfort is the infusion of power into a previously hopeless situation. He hasn't sent you into the storm to hurt you or destroy your life (as Satan is suggesting). You are here by his good purposes. Stay here and learn from the teacher he has sent you.
Expectation: His promise assures me here.
We do not live by explanation but by promise. Find a promise and stand on it. Here is a promise that I stand on: Heb 7:25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
And sometimes when all I can remember is one little song, there is enough theology in it to rescue me from any fear, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little to ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong." This was the song that Daniel was singing at the top of his lungs in the bottom of the pit; and the song that these disciples were singing as they pulled at the oars and the waves roared around them; and Paul and Silas sang while rats and cockroaches ran over them while they were chained to the walls of the prison; and Steven sang as he received his crown of rocks and stones; and shall I go on? Come my friend, hold my hand and we will sing that same song together... Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong. We are weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus love me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
Comfort, comfort
Walking home with Him who loves me, I remain His handmaid and your servant, denise