Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Moose Gallery

These pics are in honour of our son, Corporal J. C. "Moose" DeGraaf.

Diane took this shot after the moose crossed the road behind Denise. Denise didn't even know the moose was there.

A familiar sign all over Northern Ontario.

Another of Diane's pics. Taken early in the morning just north of our campground from the bridge crossing the Agawa River. This appeared to be a very big bull moose. Take my word for it.
We're not sure if we should venture in to get a close look at this one?!

This is a favorite stop for travellers in Wawa, the Young's General Store. Thanks for supporting our troops!

Here's a close up shot of our main focus on this blog entry. A baby bull standing on the front porch, a little stiff.

There's a lake named after everything in Northern Ontario, even our soldier son!

We kept looking for you Josh, but we never did see you. Maybe next trip. We're proud of you son. Thank you for serving our country and for standing against those who perpetrate evil and violence in our world. We're praying for you.

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